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Climate Emergency and Green Skills Study for Edinburgh and SE Scotland

  • Year: 2021
  • Client: Skills Development Scotland
  • Delivered By: ekosgen

ekosgen was appointed by Skills Development Scotland to undertake a Climate Emergency and Green Skills Study in the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City region. This project was part of the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal’s Integrated Regional Employability and Skills (IRES) programme. This is a £25m investment over an eight-year period covering seven key projects. 

This project built on existing sectoral insight in green jobs and identified green skills demand, skills provision and skills gaps across the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Deal region. The research pinpointed emerging opportunities associated with green jobs for individuals across the city region and their associated skills requirements.  
The study considered the key sectors in the the City Region that were identified as being central to the green recovery, the associated occupations, and their required skills. It also analysed existing provision across the City Region identifying examples in education provision (apprenticeships, secondary education, further and higher education) that were meeting demand for ‘green skills’ and highlighted gaps in provision and recommended ways to build on and develop provision in other areas.  
The ekosgen team reviewed existing literature associated with the transition to net zero and its impact on skills and dived below a policy level and looked beyond common knowledge through consultations with industry, sectoral experts, academia, and provision providers, to identify the key skills required for the recognised types of green jobs. The research also accounted for the sub-regional differences to ensure that any disparities in local opportunities were identified. 

Green Skills Training


Co-Create Strategy

Generate Analysis





Local Government