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News & Views
Scotland’s Digital Economy Skills Action Plan 2023-2028 launches
The Blue Economy in the Highlands and Islands
Aiming for Growth in the face of a Labour Market Exodus
ekosgen’s expansion to London and the south
ekosgen Growing From Strength to Strength
More than 7,500 businesses benefit from Peer Networks
Ekosgen secures new senior recruits in London
Femtech offers economic opportunity
Ekosgen expands its London-based land and property offer
Oxford to Cambridge Partnership Investment Atlas & Prospectus
Welcome Anna Mackin
From fruit bowl to fridge
Smart Sustainable Plastic Packaging Challenge
Smart Meters for Electric Vehicles
ekosgen welcomes new team members
A Review of the Long-Term Plan for Towns
Covid-19 Labour Market Recovery
Levelling Up Fund Round 3 allocations announced
Introducing Destination Insight
Finding Growth in Changing Times
We're hiring: Assistant Project Manager
Dogger Bank Wind Farm
Labour Manifesto and Economic Planning
Hiring: SRE
Baselining inventory for greenhouse gas emissions in the H&I
Recruitment: Senior Consultant
Cheshire and Warrington Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) Employer Skills Research
Cumbria Social Enterprise Zone Business Case
Gateshead Strategic Narrative
Holt Town Baseline Review and Future Economic Vision
Hull and East Yorkshire State of the Economy Report 2023
South Yorkshire Skills Strategy
UCLan Impact Study and ERDF Summative Assessments
Evaluation of Adult Education Budget (AEB)
Creative Islands Wellbeing Programme: Islands Deal Strategic Outline Case and Outline Business Case Development Support
Digital Tech Cumbria
National Evaluation of English European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Programme 2014-20
Humber Digital Technology Adoption Support
Cross-Border Supply Chain Assessment Tool & Practical SME Support
Life and Chemical Sciences Growth Opportunities and Skills Requirements
NE & TV cloud-based segmentation and diagnostic platform
Online Digital Technology Resource – SME Portal & Digital Capabilities Tool
Evaluation of reforms to the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI)
Mid-term evaluation of the Smart Sustainable Plastics Packaging (SSPP) Challenge
WRAP Impact Assessment and Cost Benefit Analyses
The Blue Economy in the Highlands and Islands: Towards a Regional Delivery Plan
Crewe Town Deal Appraisals
Environmental Impact Assessment
Summative Assessment for the Translational Energy Research Centre (TERC)
Digital Economy Skills Action Plan for Scotland
Foundational Economy: Scoping and Preparing Responses to Skills Demand
Impact Assessment of the Affordable Childcare Programme
Climate Emergency and Green Skills in Edinburgh City Region
Wonderlab and Learning Hub Impact Assessment
Blackpool Community Renewal Fund (CRF) Project Prioritisation
Derby Theatre Levelling Up Fund
The Harworth Groups Sites Impact Assessments
Early Learning and Childcare: Skills Evidence Bases
Identifying and promoting green growth opportunities
Greater Manchester Visitor Economy Strategy Baseline
Oxford to Cambridge Pan Regional Partnership Proj Brief
Edinburgh's 2030 Tourism Sector Strategy
National Buildings Database Phase 1
Supply Chain Retrofit Demonstrator Scheme (DBEIS) Evaluation
From Fruit Bowl to Fridge Project Summary
Case Making for Oxford United Football Club
Socio-economic case making for Stratford High Street
Thurrock Economic Development Needs Assessment
Greenwich Inclusive Economy Strategy
Pendle Placemaking Advice
Bedfordshire A Strategy for Lifelong Learning and Education
HEY Skills Analytical and Strategy Support
Tay Cities Clean Growth Skills
Chester: Feasibility and Development for Accommodation Business Improvement District
West Midlands Growth Company Business and Tourism Programme Final Evaluation
Optimising Carbon Sequestration Opportunities in Argyll and Bute
Edinburgh and SE Scotland: Climate Emergency and Green Skills Study
Oxford to Cambridge Investment Prospectus
Bolton Visitor Economy Strategy
Westmorland & Furness A, C & L Strategic Advice
Bolton Visitor Economy Strategy (1)
Nelson Long Term Plan for Towns
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Welcome Anna Mackin