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Nelson Long Term Plan for Towns

  • Year: 2024
  • Client: Pendle Borough Council
  • Delivered By: GC Insight

GC Insight led a multi-disciplinary team to develop Nelson’s Long Term Plan in partnership with a community-led Board.

The Plan responded to the opportunity presented by the Long Term Plan for Towns Fund which will provide Nelson with £19.5m over a ten-year period to deliver activities that respond to locally identified challenges and opportunities in three thematic intervention areas:

  • Safety and Security
  • High Streets, Heritage and Regeneration
  • Transport and Connectivity

The Long Term Plan was developed in line with government guidance and established a 10-year vision for the Town as well as strategic objectives, priorities for intervention and key outcomes which will deliver and demonstrate change within each of the thematic areas. This was supported by a wide range of evidence that established the case for intervention in Nelson, as well as practical considerations on how the Plan would be managed and delivered. The Long Term Plan for Nelson has been developed through a community-led approach encompassing extensive engagement engaged via surveys, one-to-one interviews, public drop-in sessions and focus groups.

Nelson Long Term Plan Gfx


Co-Create Strategy

Generate Analysis

Secure Investment







Local Government