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Tay Cities Clean Growth Skills

  • Year: 2023
  • Client: Scottish Enterprise
  • Delivered By: ekosgen

Scottish Enterprise appointed ekosgen to deliver a skills report of the Tays Cities Deal Region Clean Growth Sector. The aim of the work was to understand the green growth opportunities in the region and provide recommendations to ensure that there is a sufficient and skilled workforce to capitalise on the opportunities, and that the benefits are fairly distributed in the population.  

The study identified and mapped current education and skills training and assessed its accessibility. We also worked with training and education providers and industry to understand the opportunities and the current and future skills needs, including eth potential scale of the demand. 
Our final report provided an assessment of the opportunities and their potential impact, the workforce requirements, and recommendations on a collaborative, triple helix approach to developing Clean Growth skills in the Tay Cities Region.  

Fife Scenic


Co-Create Strategy

Generate Analysis






Local Government